Lime Scale Remover


DeltaGreen® Lime Scale Remover offers just the right balance. It's strong enough to effectively tackle that dreaded cleaning task of removing hard water mineral deposits and it's mild enough to protect surfaces from the damage that harsher removers can cause. The mild, buffered acid in DeltaGreen® Lime Scale Remover - commonly used in the cosmetic industry--provides an important difference from other scale removers; which can strip protective finishes from porcelain, tile and plumbing.

DeltaGreen® Lime Scale Remover is specially formulated to effectively dissolve and remove mineral deposits, hard water stains and soap scum.

DeltaGreen® Lime Scale Remover offers just the right balance. It's strong enough to effectively tackle that dreaded cleaning task of removing hard water mineral deposits and it's mild enough to protect surfaces from the damage that harsher removers can cause.

The mild, buffered acid in DeltaGreen® Lime Scale Remover - commonly used in the cosmetic industry--provides an important difference from other scale removers; which can strip protective finishes from porcelain, tile and plumbing. DeltaGreen® Lime Scale Remover is specially formulated to effectively dissolve and remove mineral deposits, hard water stains and soap scum.


Lime Scale Remover Plus